The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
CLG: CLG Pickup TODAY 3-6pm
This is a pickup reminder for those of you who ordered this week. If you ordered milk WITHOUT deposit, don’t forget to bring your bottles :)
You can pick up your order starting at 3:00 p.m. until 6:00 p.m. at St. Peter’s Episcopal Church at 925 Mitchell Street in Conway.
Please NOTE: the church parking lot may be full between 315p and 345p when the Junior High lets out and kids are getting picked up.
If something comes up that you cannot personally pick up your order today, please contact someone to pick it up for you.
Remember to bring your reusable market bags. Reduce, reuse, recycle! See you this afternoon!
How to contact us:
You CAN reply to this email or…
Phone or text: Sandra – 206-890-7460
Email: Sandra –
Champaign, OH: November Vibes
I am coming to you, from Florida, and will be back, next week, but for now, let’s get this cozy month kicked off with fall weather orders!
Cosmic Pam
Martin's Farmstand: Leeks and Brussels Sprouts
The stand is still open and is still packed with all sorts good food. The fall harvest has been good. The storage spaces are getting full of a well balanced selection of crops such as potatoes, cabbage, carrots, beets, onions, garlic, horseradish and lots more. When it warms up again this afternoon we will resume the root crop harvest. Leafy greens such as spinach, kale, etc. are still ok in the fields for a few more weeks. I do not know if the lettuce is damaged or not. I have lots of leeks, brussel sprouts and napa cabbage still out there. Come and get it! The last day for summer hours is this Saturday November 4th (when time changes). After that till Thanksgiving we will be open Tuesday through Saturday from noon till 5 PM. December we will be open Fridays and Saturdays from noon till 5 PM. We are closed between Christmas and New Year. The rest of the winter will be open Saturdays (noon- 5 PM). During the winter call ahead if the weather is very severe. Daniel
Foothills Market: Market Reminder
We still have five or more of the following items available on Foothills Market today:
- Acorn and Butternut squash
- Ground beef
- Green beans
- Different kinds of peppers
- Japanese eggplant
- Small jack-o-lantern pumpkins (not just for Halloween!)
- Sorghum
- Green tomatoes (ok, there are only 4 of these)
Browse the market for these or other items, and place your order by 5:00 p.m. today. We’ll have it ready for pickup tomorrow afternoon.
Brassell’s Sprouts Market: Happy November!
The Brassell’s Sprouts online market is OPEN! We just keep growing and offering you more choices!! Create a free account and check out all there is!…
Every grower on our market is a local, small business. Every purchase you make goes directly to a local farmer, homesteader, crafter, family. We appreciate all of the support we’ve been shown over the last few months! Thank you for shopping local!
Connie's Cornucopia: Milk & Buttermilk In Stock on Thursday
Place your order now for Milk & Buttermilk.
Old99Farm Market: Old 99 farm, week of Oct 30 2023
brief news updates. we have lot of greens and roots in the soil, that means they are getting sweeter as the soil cools off for winter. Tonite supposed to have min4C first killing frost.
Lots of variety this week, with new plantings of lettuce, chard, brassicas, etc. Lots of tomatoes, esp yellow cherry toms and peppers. Our tree fruit: pawpaws, Asian pears and apples are still available.
The subscription plan “Let Me Be Your Farmer” is up and running. A friend asked me to clarify. You estimate what your family would buy in a 3 month period, total for fruit, veg, meat, dairy. You estimate how much of that you could commit to buying here at Old 99. Say half. So if your family buys $3000 in a quarter, half of that is $1500. Pay in advance for 3 months purchases of veg, fruit, eggs, meats and anything you buy from Old99, and get 10% discount plus special surprises. Still order a la carte. The farm benefits from a more secure customer commitment and has cashflow to buy inputs like seed and nutrient. You get the choicest items for your basket, a la carte. Typically I’d expect $1500 to $2000 per quarter. Or just pick a value to pay forward, and we deduct actual purchases from your subscription.
Sign up with an email to me.
What we have now: arugula, apples, celeriac, frilly kale, Nero kale, Rainbow chard, Tokyo Bekana (a succulent chinese cabbage), beets, bell peppers, sweet bulb onions, fennel, garlic, baby lettuce mix, mizuna greens, buttercrunch lettuce, potatoes, rhubarb, carrots, collards, cabbage collards, leeks, basil and herbs. And a few figs and pawpaw fruit! We have some farm pressed apple cider, not alco, from our cider day last week. Adam is firing up his freeze-drier unit to prepare freeze-dried tomatoes.
Surf to the online store here to place your order. Store pick up Thurs 4 to 6 or by arrangement. *
Healthy eating,
Ian, Cami and Adam
Connie's Cornucopia: Salmon & Halibut In Stock Friday
Put your order in for Salmon & Halibut. Delivery and pick up for this weekend. Just a reminder we will be out of town Monday November 6 through to November 12th. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Brassell’s Sprouts Market: Pick up Day10/31
Today is pick up day!! Thank you all for placing your order with Brassell’s Sprouts.
Whitney pick up is at the Tiger Mart Parking lot (608 E. Jefferson St) from 6-6:30pm, and Hillsboro pick up is at the East Side of the Court House from 7:15-8pm.
Thank you for shopping local!
Champaign, OH: Happy Halloween!!
It’s all fun and games unless you miss getting your market orders in!
The time is now, before I close things out at 8am!
Cosmic Pam