The Weblog
This weblog contains news and the weblog entries from all the markets currently using the system.
To visit the authoring market’s website, click on the market name located in the entry’s title.
Champaign, OH: A Word From The Sugar Shack!
I love the Stadlers, and love their product. I love that they are the Sugar Shack. One of my favorite clubs to hang out in Los Angeles when I lived there was the….Sugar Shack. So, of course, I am all over the whole Sugar Shack fun!
Anyway…this season needs a word from Marc and Shary…
After the brutal weather we’ve had in February and late March, it’s hard to believe there is a downside to this wonderful weather we are experiencing. But for maple producers, there is.
The “normal” season for making maple syrup starts in mid-February and runs for four to six weeks. An ideal day for collecting sap is sunny in the 40s to 50s, with nights below freezing. The freeze-thaw process creates changes in pressure within the tree, causing sap to flow. Nothing flows before it warms up, and the small holes begin to heal themselves and close after four weeks. Once the trees begin to bud, the sap turns bitter, and all collection stops.
This year, we got our latest start ever. On Saturday, Marc finished tapping our trees, and we were ready to email everyone, letting you know that Maple March Madness had begun. With warm temps, we expected a banner collection of sap. But the trees reminded us that it takes them a day or so to really wake up from their winter rest. Our first collection was meager, and the sugar content was down as well. In a typical year, sap contains a 2.5% sugar content; this year it’s looking more like 2%. What that means is that it will take more than the usual 40 gallons of sap to make a gallon of syrup.
The weather forecast initially did not call for another freeze until two weeks out. We were lucky to have a low in the mid- 20s last night, so we will be collecting again today or tomorrow. But if you look at the extended weather forecast, there are not many days which show the needed below freezing weather at night. So we are uncertain how much maple syrup we will be able to produce this year. We are a small producer, with only 100 taps. We bottle our syrup after each boil, and put it in clear bottles so you can see as well as taste the difference in the syrup as the season progresses. We hope to be sharing our syrup with you again this year, but we have temporarily taken our syrup off the market as we wait to see how much we can produce this year.
For anyone who thinks maple syrup is a get-rich quick scheme, you might not know that most maple trees aren’t tapped until they are 30 to 40 years old. Also, we invite you to listen to this humorous poetic performance:
Thanks for your support.
Marc and Shary Stadler
Valley View Woodlands
Champaign, OH: Sweet Child O' Mine
She’s got a smile it seems to me…
Reminds me of childhood memories…
Where everything…
Was as fresh as the bright blue sky…
(Guns ‘N Roses – Sweet Child O’ Mine)
We have had an amazing few days of weather, totally inspiring to our souls that we are about to exit the depths of winter, and come out on the other side to see spring, sunshine, excitement!
This song was in my head when I woke up, on my baking playlist at 3am, this morning, AND one of those songs that requires an open sunroof, a convertible, or just windows down, song blasting, just going where the wind will take you.
It was so amazing to greet so many customers, tonight, at market pick up!! New customers, old customers, frequent customers. And, now that the weather is breaking, how about everyone decides to place an order and come out to see us on Thursdays!
It’s easy, it’s fast, it’s fun!
I am now opening the market for the week…I do have one announcement…
Littler Farms has been out of town. They will need to remain out of town for a period of time with family commitments. They are missed, thank you to all of their fans who asked about them, and we will be happy to announce when Bev gets back to town, and ready to bake everyone’s favorite cookies!!
Okay…let the fun begin with ordering all of your favorite products!!
Peace and Love,
Cosmic Pam
Suwanee Whole Life Co-op: Market News

Suwanee Whole Life Co-op
Our Website:
Pick Up Location: 4942 Austin Park Avenue, Buford GA 30518 on Tuesdays
Like Us on Facebook: Suwanee Whole Life Co-op
Have a question for other co-op members? Submit questions on our Google Group Discussion Board:!forum/suwanee-whole-life-co-op
A&A Alta Cucina Italia Balsamic Vinegar wins 2015 Flavor of Georgia contest
Congratulations to A&A Alta Cucina Italia for winning the grand prize in the 2015 Flavor of Georgia Food Contest with her Balsamico al Mirtillo, a blueberry balsamic vinegar reduction. Not only did she win the grand prize, her blueberry balsamic vinegar also received the category
award for best salsa, chutney or condiment.
If you want to try the winner of the 2015 Flavor of Georgia it’s on the market in vinegar section!
Market News
Maple Syrup- I spoke with Joseph from Old State Farms and we will start taking orders next month for Unrefined Maple Syrup Grade B and other maple syrup products. We only do this order once a year so you don’t miss out! They’re still having cold weather up north. When I talked with him last week he said it was -12 outside that morning! We’re planning on taking orders the weekend of 4/17.
Recycle NGE produce boxes – Don’t forget to bring your boxes to pick up if you would like NGE to reuse/recycle your box. There’s a large gray plastic bin by the roll up door at the warehouse for you to deposit your box. Please make sure all your boxes are folded flat.
Wilderness Family Naturals Group Buy- Our group buy order has still not shipped. Since WFN is shipping from Minnesota they will not ship until temperatures are at least close to freezing. This is to ensure nothing cracks or is damaged before it gets to us. Once I receive the tracking information I will contact those who have ordered and give an update.
HELP! We need Volunteers!!
We need volunteers next TUESDAY!
THANK YOU Mollie, Marie, Stephanie, TJ, Virginia, and Vicki for helping on Tuesday! You guys are truly a blessing! We couldn’t have a co-op without volunteers and we appreciate you all so much!
If you are interested in volunteering, I have created a volunteer sign up on Signup Genius. I am asking for volunteers to sign up for 1 hour shifts from 2p to 6:45 pm. No packing is involved just need someone to be there to assist other members. You are welcome to bring your kids as long as they are supervised. Here is the link to the sign up
The link is also posted on the About page on our website.
Thank you in advance for your support!
Upcoming Group Buys
Below is a list of upcoming co-op group buys to help with planning and budgeting. All dates are subject to change.
Grass Fed Cheese – 3/20/15 – 3/22/15
Vital Choice (Wild Caught Seafood Only) – 3/27/15 – 3/29/15
Unrefined Maple Syrup – Grade B- 4/17/15 – 4/19/15
Sorghum Syrup – TBD Spring 2015
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!
Superior Seasons: Enjoy food!

Order Now (until Monday at 4:30pm) for Pickup or Delivery next Wednesday! We are still offering HOME DELIVERY to Individual customers! Restaurants, Institutions, and other wholesale customers can access delivery with wholesale pricing – ask us how! CLICK HERE, to see what’s available, set up your account, and order. Help push us over 500 members!
What’s Featured and New? Click HERE to find vegetables, meats, syrups, milled products, bath and beauty products, seeds, garden supplies and more!
Read our Recipe section HERE
CSA Farmers Market: Fundraisers & Projects
Walk In Freezer Fundraiser Update <———- We have raised $1,142.65 so far! THANK-YOU!
The people have contributed so far, listed in order of largest amount to the smallest is to the left side of the Weblog.
The kitchen is almost done, we just have a few minor things to do before we get it inspected. Marian & Dale have been working hard to make the kitchen happen and we shipped a lot of things out to Fritz Auction to make room and to provide a little cash flow to help pay for the expenses associated with the kitchen. Marian’s printing press operation had to get moved aside to make room, at 850 lbs per press moving them was a hernia challenging experience.
The walk in freezer is our largest expense that we will be facing and we need all the help we can get on it. All proceeds collected here are going to the walk in freezer fund. We do have a ways to go before we have enough to fix the freezer.
Other things that can be done to help is collect paper grocery bags so that we don’t have to buy so many of them, donating used ink/toner cartridges that we can recycle in exchange for paper products we need for the market.
We do have some other fund raiser plans in the works.
Here is a little history on the Freezer. Dale & Marian bought the freezer walls, floors and the condenser. Dale with the help of a friend Vince poured the cement pad and assembled the freezer. Brand new freezers this size are way beyond our means. Used freezer compressor are almost always bad or short lived so we knew that would be an additional expense. The freezer currently needs a compressor, rubber roof and door trim. The temperature in the freezer will be much lower than standard commercial freezers.
Please note that these contributions are not tax deductible. A $20 contribution receives an antique historic wine bottles. All other expect an item to show our appreciation.
Click here to see whats available!
Gwinnett Locally Grown: The Market is open for ordering! We're having workshops!!
The Market is open Thursday at 9 – Monday at noon After that, ordering is disabled until Thursday morning. Pick up your order Tuesday from 4:00-7:00 p.m. only at Rancho Alegre Farm at 2225 Givens Road, Dacula, GA 30019. New to The Market? Learn about how it works here.
Join us for a workshop! You’ll be amazed by the plethora of information and lessons offered by our fantastic workshop instructors. Our workshops cover subjects such as gardening, nutrition, nutrient dense foods, natural remedies, essential oils, and much more!
Our goal is to host one workshop a week which will always be on Tuesday. The workshop schedule will rotate from 10:30 AM, 6:00 PM and 7:00 PM for the community’s convenience. The farm brings workshops to the community as an outreach to share the wealth of knowledge we have attained over the years. We do not charge for these events but allow the speakers to charge a fee to cover their time and supplies. We hope everyone will take advantage of this wonderful opportunity.
Please share this with all your friends and family and RSVP via FB Eventsand/or Meet-Up.
Workshops @ the Farm
Mozzarella Cheese Making Class – With Operation Homebrew – Next Tue. Mar. 17, @ 7:00 PM_*
This workshop is 60 minutes, includes a mozzerella cheese sampling once finished and wine tasting which leads into the next class. $5 per person. RSVP at
Build a Rain Barrel Workshop with Ken
Tue. Mar. 24, 2015 @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Building a rain barrel for your garden helps with water conservation. Each person will build their own rain barrel with Ken’s help. RSVP on facebook or meetup.
Nutrient Dense Food with Dr. Tara Miller: Healthy Diets Your Family and Children – Tue. Mar. 31, @ 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM
Dr. Tara Miller will cover the importance of nutrient dense foods and how she improved the health of her two young children who were born prematurely but now live healthy and productive lives without sickness. RSVP for this fascinating lecture on facebook or Suggested donation is $5.
Remember, we have items like dog treats, wonderful raw honey and our pork farmer, Brady who came on with more items a couple weeks ago! We are working to get more jams, freshly canned items and more dry goods, so stay tuned!
_As Always….
_Please share with friends and family about us so that we can give more people the opportunity to buy and eat healthy! Local farmers need our support to keep providing us with all the fresh foods! If we don’t give them enough business, it’s hard for them to continue to deliver to us. Please let’s not let that happen! Tell your friends about us so we can keep the Growers supported as this is how they make their living. *_
Thank you to all of you who support Gwinnett Locally Grown!
If there is something you’d like to see in the Market, please let me know! I would love your imput!
The Market is extending their hours! The Market will now be open from 4:00 to 7:00pm!
Having said that, if you place an order with us, PLEASE remember to pick it up on Tuesday. As I am so grateful for your orders, I also have a family at home waiting on me too! We cannot hold orders, especially cold items due to limited refrigeration space, so please be courteous and come for your order.
CLICK HERE NOW to Shop Gwinnett Locally Grown!
Thanks for all your support!
Shop often and eat well!
Cheryl Gelatt
Market Manager
Fresh Wishes,
Pilar Quintero
Market Host
Rancho Alegre Farm
Please email for questions pertaining to Market or Raw Milk. It is very difficult to return phone calls. Remember to interact with us on Facebook and follow us on Meetup to get notification on all our wonderful events and news.
StPete.LocallyGrown.Net: Will YOU answer "The Call"?

Greetings Valued Customers:
Have you been thinking about getting involved with the local food movement, beyond financial support of our Market?
If so, please consider volunteering several hours (2 to 3) every other week to serve the St. Petersburg Community as you help package goods, deliver produce, or assist with administrative tasks. We train our volunteers to be successful working together as a team and we realize there are some who prefer to work alone. We accommodate as best we can. Wonderful friendships are forming! And, YES, we do have fun…
Many of our loyal volunteers literally have been with St. Pete Locally Grown for YEARS. There are reasons for that. Our volunteers are treated fairly, highly appreciated, well trained, and having the time of their lives working with others who have similar interests. They want to give their time to a local food movement that is well organized and guarantees success of every member of the team. No one leaves without feeling like a winner!
Through life circumstances, several on our current team are making changes in their lifestyles, traveling more, and exploring or expanding new avenues based (at least a little bit) on what they’ve experienced volunteering for St. Pete Locally Grown. As a result, we have reached a point where new volunteers are needed to help on Wednesdays through Fridays during weeks that the Market is open. This time spent together is a win-win for everyone involved.
One of our new customers, Suzanne, is volunteering with our Market to become familiar with everything we sell and to learn what to do with the veggies she has never bought before. IF YOU ARE INTERESTED in learning more about the food you buy from us, want to be an integral part of a successful team, or you want to learn how to do what we do- please contact me at 727-515-9469 or email me with a good time to call you & chat. We will make room for you to come and help. If you would like to speak with any of our volunteers to get feedback on what it’s like, they are willing to share their enthusiasm! Just let me know and I will connect you.
We begin training new volunteers for our Thursday and Friday morning teams on March 19th & 20th. Please contact me to reserve a spot for you on either day. Or call just to chat if you have questions.
You are needed. Please answer the call!
All the best,
YOUR Market Manager
The Cumming Harvest - Closed: Newsletter - March 11, 2015

Pastured Eggs
Why pasture raised chickens produce better eggs…
Grass-fed/pastured hens are raised on pasture, as opposed to being kept in confinement and fed primarily grains. Eggs from pastured hens contain up to 20 times more healthy omega-3 fatty acids than their less fortunate cousins, factory hens. Pastured eggs also have 10 percent less fat, 40 percent more vitamin A, and 34 percent less cholesterol than eggs obtained from factory farms.
Pastured hens’ diets are naturally complemented with bugs, earthworms, and other such critters that give their eggs a huge nutritious oomph. Pastured hens are usually much healthier and happier than their space-restricted and antibiotic-pumped industrial cousins. In addition to being healthier for you, pasturing is also ecologically sustainable and the most humane way to produce eggs.
At the Cumming Harvest we offer pastured eggs from several local families. They are all fed GMO free grains and some are certified naturally grown using an organic feed. If you haven’t tried true pastured raised eggs, give them a try, not only are they better for you but the taste is superior to that of store bought eggs.
Pick Up Options
COLONY PARK PICK-UP This is our main location and all orders will be prepared for you for pick up at this location if you don’t choose another option below. You can order and pick up meat and seafood at this location.
VICKERY PICK-UP – This week you may choose to pick up your order from the Vickery Village Cherry Street Taproom between 1:00-1:30pm. If you would like to pick up at Vickery choose VICKERY PICK-UP item in the categories on the The Market page/tab. Customers choosing to pick up at Vickery should not order meat or seafood as we cannot transport meat and seafood due to Dept. of Ag regulations.
DELIVERY to Vickery/Polo Area – Please add this item to your order if you would like delivery to your home on Saturday between 1-3pm. Only prepaid orders will be accepted. Deliveries will be dropped off at your front door. If you are not going to be home, please leave a insulated bag or cooler for your order. The delivery person is not responsible for making sure your food is in the appropriate container once dropped off. Please plan for possible rain and make sure your order will be protected. The delivery person will travel with your orders in insulated bags with ice packs to protect it during travel. No Meat or Seafood will be able to be delivered.
Group Buy
Green Pastures – The next order will begin on March 18th and continue until 12 or more items are ordered.
Raw Cheese – Our next cheese order will begin March 18th.
Butter – Butter is in and you may send me an email to add it to your order or just pick some up on Saturday.
Main Market Location and Pick Up
Building 106, Colony Park Dr. in the Basement of Suite 100, Cumming, GA 30040. Pick up every Saturday between 10-12pm.
Google Map
To view the harvest today and tomorrow till 8pm, visit “The Market” page on our website, The Cumming Harvest
We thank you for your interest and support of our efforts to bring you the healthiest, the freshest and the most delicious locally-produced foods possible!